20 Jan

What is normal? Diversity medicine and the search for suitable points of reference

Opening hours / Beginning:

6:30 pm

20 January 2025


Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Seestraße 13 80802 München

Professor Marie von Lilienfeld-Toal
Moderation: Professor Susanna Hofmann (LMU)

Marie von Lilienfeld-Toal is Professor of Diversity Medicine at Ruhr University Bochum, where she is currently setting up Germany’s first Institute of Diversity Medicine. Her talk addresses the issue of what can be regarded as “normal” in the context of sickness and health. In most cases, “normal” is treated as a synonym for “frequent” or “common”: Reference values (or points) are defined in such a way that 95 percent of the measurements taken in a healthy population fall within their scope. However, hemograms (red and white blood cells and platelets) can be used to identify pitfalls in the way this medical concept is currently implemented and what improvements can be made by diversity-sensitive medicine.

The event will be held in German. A registration is required. You can find more information on the CAS website.

The Center for Advanced Studies at LMU provides a forum for scientific exchange and discussion that bridges the divide between the established disciplines. Its activities are designed to promote all forms of collaborative research and to stimulate interdisciplinary communication within the University. In addition, it facilitates the integration of visiting scholars and scientists into the academic life of the University.

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